J-14: What secrets can you reveal about tonight's big season finale?
Anna Flinchbaugh: I don't want to give too much away because there's just been a lot of drama going on within the show. You'll see a lot of things unfolding with exciting new drama, and relationship-wise, it won't disappoint! I definitely think it's going to go out with a bang.
Anna: Seeing everything unfold on television isn't too far off going through it with my friends because everyone on the show is very close. We all talk a lot, so when something dramatic happens, we pretty much already know about. It's kind of funny watching it, especially seeing my friend Emily going on dates. We're like, 'Oh my gosh,
that's what happened!' It's kind of fun seeing it actually happen on television.
J-14: Does the show stay pretty true to your real life?
Anna: Yeah, of course it is! Everything on the show is pretty much our lives on tape, so all the definite drama that high school students always face, you're going to see within the show. The relationships and the pressures of school, that all happens, especially at SCPA [The School for Creative & Performing Arts in Cincinnati, OH] because it's such an artistic school and everyone's out competing with each other for the same dream, so all the things that you see on the show are just very real for us.
J-14: How are things with Carlton and you now?
Anna: I don't want to give too much away, but we're really close friends. We're really good together, and he's always been there for me, and I'm so fortunate to have him as my friend. He's a very nice guy.
J-14: How do you deal with all of the love triangles?
Anna: I've never been big with confrontation, so the drama between my friends and love triangles is hard to be a part of it. But at the same time, I have to be there for my friends. It's so weird because I never really had that as much in my other schools. I guess it's just because at SCPA, everyone is friends with everyone, so your friends are dating each other. It's just kind of funny seeing that happen, but I try very hard to stay there for my friends and help them through it. I want them to all be happy, and I don't like seeing anyone upset over just a boy or a girl.
J-14: What do you and Emily do together for fun outside of school?
Anna: Being in a school downtown is just very fun for high school students. A lot of times after school Emily and I will go get some ice cream or hang out on Fountain Square or a lot of times we'll just go shopping and do overnights. We're typical girls, we really are. We hang out all the time.
Anna gave J-14 an exclusive shoutout -- and a great workout tip -- when she stopped by our offices! Check it out here: